Microsoft Azure Training

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AZ-400 certification exam
Formats:  Asynchronous
Level: Advanced
Recommended Knowledge
Experience with Azure Admin or Dev
Experience with Version Control
Understanding of CI/CD Practices
Experience with DevOps Practices
Familiarity with IaC principles and tools
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Formats: We offer our training content in a flexible format to suit your needs. Contact Us if you wish to know if we can accommodate your unique requirements.

Level: We are happy to customise course content to suit your skill level and learning goals. Contact us for a customised learning path.

Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions AZ-400

The AZ-400 certification is tailored for IT professionals, DevOps engineers, software developers, and those keen on enhancing their skills in designing and implementing DevOps practices using Microsoft technologies.

Target Audience

This certification is suitable for individuals who have hands-on experience with various Microsoft products and want to specialize in implementing DevOps solutions. IT practitioners working with Agile practices, or striving to modernize application delivery through automation, will find this certification particularly valuable.


Candidates pursuing the AZ-400 certification should have prior experience with Azure, including building, testing, deploying, and monitoring applications. Familiarity with Agile practices, source control, build and release pipelines, and scripting languages is also beneficial.

Why It's Beneficial

The AZ-400 certification validates your expertise in Microsoft DevOps solutions, showcasing your ability to streamline development processes, enhance collaboration between development and operations teams, and deliver more reliable software at a faster pace. It positions you as a sought-after professional, enabling career growth and potentially leading to higher earning potential. Organizations, in turn, can rely on your skills to drive efficiency and innovation within their development cycles.

For those interested in taking the next step in their professional development, Jumping Bean offers comprehensive and premium training in Microsoft DevOps Solutions. Our experienced instructors guide professionals through real-world applications, ensuring mastery of the essential skills and techniques required to excel in the field of DevOps.

Exam & Course Objectives

  • Exam AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions
    • Configure processes and communications (10–15%)
      • Configure activity traceability and flow of work
        • Plan and implement a structure for the flow of work and feedback cycles
        • Identify appropriate metrics related to flow of work, such as cycle times, time to recovery, and lead time
        • Integrate Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions with work item tracking tools
        • Implement traceability policies decided by development
        • Integrate a repository with Azure Boards
      • Configure collaboration and communication
        • Communicate actionable information by using custom dashboards in Azure Boards
        • Document a project by using tools, such as wikis and process diagrams
        • Configure release documentation, including release notes and API documentation
        • Automate creation of documentation from Git history
        • Configure notifications by using webhooks
    • Design and implement source control (15–20%)
      • Design and implement a source control strategy
        • Design and implement an authentication strategy
        • Design a strategy for managing large files, including Git LFS and git-fat
        • Design a strategy for scaling and optimizing a Git repository, including Scalar and cross-repository sharing
        • Implement workflow hooks
      • Plan and implement branching strategies for the source code
        • Design a branch strategy, including trunk-based, feature branch, and release branch
        • Design and implement a pull request workflow by using branch policies and branch protections
        • Implement branch merging restrictions by using branch policies and branch protections
      • Configure and manage repositories
        • Integrate GitHub repositories with Azure Pipelines
        • Configure permissions in the source control repository
        • Configure tags to organize the source control repository
        • Recover data by using Git commands
    • Implement an instrumentation strategy (10–15%)
      • Configure monitoring for a DevOps environment
        • Configure and integrate monitoring by using Azure Monitor
        • Configure and integrate with monitoring tools, such as Azure Monitor and Application Insights
        • Manage access control to the monitoring platform
        • Configure alerts for pipeline events
      • Analyze metrics
        • Inspect distributed tracing by using Application Insights
        • Inspect application performance indicators
        • Inspect infrastructure performance indicators, including CPU, memory, disk, and network
        • Identify and monitor metrics for business value
        • Analyze usage metrics by using Application Insights
        • Interrogate logs using basic Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

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2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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